Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Fall Season's Begun...

Hi everyone wanted to give you an update...you heard about us getting rear ended on the 91 freeway on 9-2 well on 9-3 I actually rear ended someone else!

Get this I had just listened to a message from my insurance company about the 1st accident and was trying to call her back before the long weekend started, had ear piece on but stupidly looked down for a second, then back up and smash right into a ladies SUV! She was an angel in disguise though we pulled over and she said "don't worry about it!" She didn't even get my name. Thank you again to that kind stranger. I on the other hand now have to repair both the back and the front of my truck.

Zack and I are most likely fine but we will be going to Dr.'s to make sure this week. It means more to do on my already Crazy schedule. Also a friend we had met at Casa Colina passed away this Thursday...this was not one of my better weeks.

Today was a much better day though, we have decided to re-do Zack (and Levi's) room. We want to make it more "teenage friendly" and have a room Zack and friends can hangout in.
More to come on this project...

With school starting, it's the start of a new season. This was not exactly the way I had pictured my summer to go but by Gods Grace and you guys, we are getting by "One day at a time." I've noticed just as we run out of gift cards someone sends us a gas or grocery card. Thank you to each of you who have done this for my family. It's these things, plus meals, grocery shopping and laundry help, that are truly getting us through this incredibly overwhelming time. I'm in the midst of getting Zacks physical therapy schedule and school (at home) all lined up. The other three siblings are such big helpers. Levi is amazing and helps me lift Zack daily, makes him food, Kaden (7) and Laila (5) help feed him. You could say we are all adjusting to our "new normal." I've been fortunate to have met a few other moms of injured boys (young men) they have been wonderful.

I think that's about it for now...new pic's to come and heard a 2nd updated article is coming out in the Yorba Linda Star paper this Thursday (9-9).

Love, Amber


  1. Hi Amber,

    Sorry about the continued Stress-I think God has given you a Booster Shot of Grace, & you are amazing.
    Thankfully God has lots more patience-he puts up w/ all of us.
    I keep you in my prayers & hope we can have lunch sometime-let me know.

    How is the Van working out-hope it's a big help-I am sure it is.

    I had Jayden a couple days-it was nice-we chatted about Susie-still so difficult.

    Sorry for the loss of the friend at Casa Colina-must have been unexpected?

    Keep me posted on all of you!

    Love & Prayers


  2. Crazy women drivers! lol..I am glad no one was hurt...again! I am sure with Zack at home now things will hopefully ease up a little. If I can be of any help please just let me know. Keep on truckin. Thats all any of us can do.

    Robert Piche

  3. Hi Amber, Zack & family!
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing after a couple of fender benders. Hope all are ok & that the truck is fixed.

    Keeping busy here-never too busy to say some extra prayers for all of you.

    Matt & family are moved in to their rental house in Topsfield, Mass. I HOPE I can visit them in April.

    Keep me posted on Zack & thanks for the updates on the blog!

    Love & Prayers!



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